19 Feb The ultimate guide to building resilience so you can bounce back from tough times
Happiness is undoubtedly a desirable goal and pretty much everyone wants to be happy.
All of which isn’t that difficult until … the sh#t hits the fan.
Which WILL happen at some point.
And that’s where resilience comes in; it’s easy, or easier to be happy during good times. But how do you cope during tough times …
via Fast Company by Gwen Moran
Whether it’s an illness, loss, or other tragedy, some people just seem to bounce back from whatever life throws at them. They do the tough work of picking themselves up, shaking off the dust, and carrying on—even when it seems impossible to others.
If you’ve ever wondered about others’ resilience, here’s some good news: It is possible to strengthen the ability to bounce back, even in difficult times. And who couldn’t use a little more resilience these days? Here are 15 ways to bolster your own.
People who bounce back tend to have a network of supportive people around them, says Michael Ungar, co-director of the Resilience Research Centre at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. For some people, that’s a close-knit family, but for others, it’s a carefully cultivated group of friends, colleagues, mentors, or others who care about you and are willing to help. Ungar says he’s seen the tendency to seek out support sources in children as young as five years old: When the family unit isn’t functioning well, children tend to reach out to coaches, teachers, or other adults as a support network. Similarly, resilient adults seek out others who care about them and can offer emotional, professional, or other assistance when times get tough.
Everyone should have a personal “board of directors,” adds social scientist and leadership expert Frank Niles. Your board can advise you and provide insight when needed. “A board of directors ideally is really kind of your resiliency ‘buddies’ or resiliency ‘army.’ We can help each other out,” he says.
Resilient people often have a number of areas from which they get their sense of self-worth, Ungar says. They may have deep friendships or family connections, strong faith, or a leadership role in the community…
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