19 Jul Learn to Harness the Power of Gratitude
If you’re reading this then you’re probably interested in psychology, positive psychology, happiness and wellbeing.
And if you’re interested in all those things then you almost certainly know that gratitude is like a super-strategy! It boosts positive emotion and spreads joy throughout social and occupational networks.
Gratitude can be especially beneficial in workplaces so check out this article for some great “hacks” …
via Entrepreneur by Gurpreet Kaur
Decades of research have shown us that gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can feel. It can increase our overall well-being, improve our relationships and increase our physical health.
Yet, gratitude is often overlooked as a valuable business tool. We focus on the more “practical” aspects of running a business and forget that our emotions play a huge role in our success.
In this article, we will explore the science of gratitude and how it can be used to improve your business and life.
What is gratitude?
Gratitude is an emotion that occurs when we appreciate the good things in our life. It’s a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for the positive things we have, whether they are material possessions, relationships or experiences.
In one of the most comprehensive reviews of gratitude research to date, psychologists Robert A. Emmons and Michael McCullough found that gratitude has several benefits for mental health, physical health and relationships.
- Mental health
As a mental health counselor, I am well aware of the mental health benefits of practicing gratitude. I have my clients keep a gratitude journal to help them develop the habit of practicing gratitude.
The scaling evidence proves that gratitude practice has numerous mental health benefits. For example, a study found that participants who wrote about things they were grateful for were more likely to report higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress. Another study reported that people who kept a gratitude journal reported less depression, anxiety, dissatisfaction and stress. People who practiced gratitude had less social anxiety and felt more confident in social situations. Gratitude can also help people with depression and anxiety.
- Physical health
Several studies have linked the benefits of physical health with gratitude. Ericka Rosenberg found that gratitude helps lower blood pressure in patients with heart disease. Participants who practiced gratitude regularly had fewer health complaints and felt healthier compared to those that didn’t practice gratitude.
- Relationships
Gratitude has been found to improve relationships as well. Research shows that couples who expressed gratitude towards each other felt more connected and closer to their partner. Grateful people also report feeling more loved and willing to help others. Grateful people are more likely to forgive their partner and less likely to hold grudges.
Gratitude in the workplace
Gratitude has been found to improveĀ job satisfaction and commitment. Employees who write things they are grateful for at work report more satisfaction in their job and are more committed to their employers. In addition, employees who are thanked by their boss have higher job satisfaction and are more likely to stay with a company…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE