New Psychological Research Teaches Us How To Cultivate Feelings Of Bliss

New Psychological Research Teaches Us How To Cultivate Feelings Of Bliss

I’ve been promoting the principles of Positive Psychology for several decades now.

And one of the myths about this approach is that it’s just about happiness.

It is interested in happiness, but also all the other emotions, positive and negative.

It’s about thriving and flourishing amidst all of life realities, and that includes happiness but also numerous other emotions such as … bliss!

Check out this Forbes article by Mark Travers

A new study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology introduces a new concept in mental health inspired by buddhist philosophy. This concept, termed ‘caring for bliss,’ consists of practices that cultivate sukha or a state of unlimited, everlasting inner joy induced by a peaceful state of mind and a compassionate heart.

“The first and most important thing about bliss is that we must recognize in our everyday life that there is no unrealized condition – like a perfect job or a dream house – that has to be attained before we can be happy, but that happiness inside of us is always possible,” explains lead author, psychologist Myriam Rudaz of Florida State University.

To study bliss and its effects on well-being, Rudaz and her collaborator Thomas Ledermann used data from 638 college students. According to Rudaz, students face many new challenges and are particularly vulnerable to experiencing mental health issues…

… keep reading the full & original article HERE