10 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health At Work

10 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health At Work

Mental health at work is of vital importance for individuals and organisations.

I’d argue it’s just an ethical issue, one of humans caring for humans; but there’s also a strong argument that it’s a good business or economic decision.

Poor mental health affects performance and team work; good mental health and happiness at work enhance productivity, collaboration, innovation and more.

So any organisation that’s NOT prioritising psychological wellbeing in the workplace is in essence, negligent.

You might already be familiar with these 10 great tips but there’s nothing wrong with a good reminder and/or you might want to share this with friends or colleagues …

via Forbes by Caroline Castrillon

The pandemic, inflation, political unrest and numerous other stressors have made mental health at work a top priority. In Mind Share Partners’ 2021 Mental Health at Work Report, the authors found that mental health concerns, not surprisingly, increased over the prior two years. In the 2019 study, 59% of those surveyed reported at least one symptom of a mental health condition over the previous year. But in 2021, that number went up to a startling 76%.

While companies have a long way to go to prioritize employee well-being, here are ten ways you can improve your mental health at work.

Begin your day with mindfulness

Studies show that by checking your phone right after waking up, you are priming your brain for distraction. Think of it this way. Looking at your cell phone first thing in the morning is the equivalent of having a hundred people in your bedroom screaming at you. That’s not the best way to start the day! Instead, improve your mental health at work by beginning your morning with a yoga or meditation practice so you can healthily ease into the day.

Focus on your strengths

Rather than focusing on your weaknesses, concentrate on being more of who you already are. Capitalize on your strengths and seek out projects that give you satisfaction. Because when we use our strengths, the activity feels natural to us, and we are more likely to experience accomplishment…

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