10 Small Ways to Boost Your Happiness This Year

10 Small Ways to Boost Your Happiness This Year

I’ll be completely up front; most of you are probably familiar with most of the tips in this article.

So why share?

Because we all need reminding every now and then; and it’s good to be reminded that what creates happiness is often relatively simple and accessible.

So don’t underestimate the little things you’re probably already doing; in fact, give yourself a pat on the back and keep on doing them!

And now, for that reminder, check out this article by Jonathan Alpert via Thrive Global …

As you find yourself in the thick of New Year’s Resolutions time, how about stepping back and looking not at dropping pounds or meeting the person of your dreams, but rather, simply at achieving happiness. That’s right, just aiming to be happy.  For many people, happiness eludes them. It often feels out of reach and unattainable.  

Most people have something that gnaws at them at night, a problem or unrealized dream somewhere in their lives that causes them to feel incomplete, dissatisfied, and unhappy. For them, happiness feels like an impossibility. However, by thinking about things a bit differently, this leads to the awareness that happiness is within reach and can be obtained by making some simple changes. 

Below are the habits of happy people that I’ve gleaned from some of the happiest people I know, as well as former clients who have gone on to lead fulfilling and satisfying lives.

1. Maintain a positive and optimistic outlook. Encountering negative events in life is normal. Understand that they don’t define you; do your best to find the silver lining, and counter negative thoughts with positive ones. Further, change the way you think by nixing your negative thinking and seeing problems as challenges and opportunities to learn something new. Think what’s possible, not what’s impossible.

2. Focus on what you can control. So many people worry about what is beyond their control. “What if I get a dreadful disease?” or “What if I lose my job?” are two of the most common anxiety-filled statements I hear from patients. This exhaustive thinking saps people of any energy to be positive and happy. Next time you catch yourself thinking this way, turn it around and think about what you can control. Take action rather than being a victim of circumstance and your own negative thinking. For the two examples above, one has control over leading a healthy lifestyle to prevent bad health, and working hard and reviewing performance with their supervisor to ensure job security.

3. Surround yourself with happy people. Happy people tend to be supportive, warm and giving. These qualities will encourage you to be happy too. Conversely, hanging out with miserable and unhappy people will weigh you down and won’t allow you to focus on your own well-being and goals…

… keep reading the full & original article HERE