07 Jan How to Harness the Power Of Fun In Your Everyday Life
I take myself and the world way too seriously.
And I know I’m not alone.
But the research is clear; fun and play, laughter and levity are important.
They contribute to health and wellbeing and not surprisingly, to happiness!
So what if you could integrate more fun into your daily life? Because you can! And here are some great tips via Thrive Global and Catherine Price …
When is the last time you had fun?
I’m serious. Think about it. When’s the last time you felt exhilarated and lighthearted? When’s the last time you didn’t feel judged, by yourself or other people? When’s the last time you were engaged, focused, and completely present, undistracted by thoughts about the future or the past? When’s the last time you felt free? When’s the last time you felt alive?
Maybe you were laughing with a friend. Maybe you were exploring a new place. Maybe you were being slightly rebellious. Maybe you were trying something for the first time. Maybe you felt an unexpected sense of connection. Regardless of the activity, the result was the same: You laughed and smiled. You felt liberated from your responsibilities. When it was over, the experience left you energized, nourished, and refreshed.
If you are having trouble thinking of a recent moment that fits that description, I hear you. Until recently, I didn’t feel like I was having much fun myself.
And then two things happened that transformed me…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE