I’m A Self-Compassion Expert & This Is How I Enter Every New Year

I’m A Self-Compassion Expert & This Is How I Enter Every New Year

I can take or leave New Year resolutions.

I’m much more an advocate for regular goal setting and much more frequent reviewing.

But the fact is that many people like setting goals or resolutions at the start of the year, and that’s great, but they often get it wrong. Which is why so many goals are not achieved!

But this great article by Sarah Regan highlighting the work of Kristin Neff provides some tips I highly recommend to you all …

January is right around the corner, and while some folks out there may have resolutions set, others may feel inclined to grant themselves a bit of a break from New Year’s goal setting. (After all, it’s been a strange year, to say the least.)

In either case, associate professor of educational psychology and self-compassion expert Kristin Neff, Ph.D., tells mbg there’s one thing we can all strive for as we head into a new year.

Why you should have more self-compassion in 2022.

If there was one thing, and one thing only, Neff recommends focusing on in the new year, she says it would be showing yourself more compassion.

“The idea is you switch your goals, your aspirations, and in this case, maybe your New Year’s resolutions, away from any particular outcome, in terms of our desire to improve, and your goal actually becomes [to approach your] life with compassion,” she explains.

And that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to try to be healthy and take care of yourself, she adds, but rather that you are going to shift the focus away from “getting it right,” and toward “opening your heart.”

Neff concedes that we will always inevitably get caught in the messiness of life, but what matters is our ability to intentionally give ourselves compassion and keep our hearts open through it all…

… keep reading the full & original article HERE