24 Dec 10 Habits We’re Leaving Behind As We Enter the New Year
New Years Resolutions (and goals in general) are often about starting something new.
Which is great!
But sometimes we need to STOP old things and let things go.
Which is what this great article by Marina Khidekel is all about …
A recent New York Times piece reported on how many of us are rethinking holiday obligations and adjusting our plans to reduce stress and make room for more flexibility. (That could mean forgoing travel, ditching gift exchanges, or trading big gatherings for smaller ones.) As we head into 2022, let’s think about the other habits and mindsets we’ll be leaving in the past to make room for new habits that benefit us more.
We asked our Thrive community to share with us which habits they’re leaving behind as we enter the new year. Which of these habits will you leave in 2021?
Letting our jobs define us
“As a writer, it’s often challenging to separate my self-worth from my job. I know many freelancers like myself struggle to keep our roles from our personas. But, guess what? My job doesn’t define me. As we head into 2022, I’m ready to leave my self-doubts behind me. As I’m gearing up to what’s next, I’m ready to stop doubting myself and start recognizing myself for my value, my progress, and my accomplishments.”
—Geraldine Orentas, freelance writer, FL
Feeding our negative self-talk
“For 2022, I’m embracing my whole body and feeling thrilled to be in my own skin. I’m leaving behind the negative self-talk about my stomach, hips, and thighs! If I’ve learned anything in the last two years, it’s to value my body, strive to improve it and love everything about it. This is a shift that I know will translate into more success and a happier me in 2022.”
—Alison Scott, coach, Seattle, WA
Saying “yes” to everything
“As I plan for 2022, I’m challenging myself to ditch the belief that I need to do everything. That will mean expanding the team within my business in order to delegate, volunteering to bring the napkins to the class party instead of a fruit salad, and sometimes simply saying ‘no.’ Saying yes to opportunities can lead to exciting open doors, but when you say ‘no,’ you’re freeing yourself up to say ‘yes’ to other things that can benefit your business, your career, your family, and your relationships.”
—Becca Carnahan, career coach, Boston, MA
… keep reading the full & original article HERE