07 Dec The Adaptability Advantage
When it comes to facing adversity, we need more than just resilience.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m a huge fan of resilience. In fact resilience, defined as the ability to overcome or work through or find a way around challenges is vitally important for happiness and life success.
But to do this, there’s something else that’s crucial and in this article by Andrew Martin from the Thrive Global website we learn more about adaptability …
When I was 14, I switched to a new school across town.
From the moment I opened my front door, I was overwhelmed. Instead of walking to school, I now took two buses and a train. Instead of having lunch with kids I’d grown up with, I ate alone. And multitudes of students were ahead of me academically, a situation made worse by what seemed like an entirely different curriculum.
I was lonely, out of my depth, and miserable.
Over the course of a few semesters, I settled in. But for years, I chalked up my difficulties to a lack of resilience. I blamed myself for not being able to navigate adversity.
But I now realize resilience wasn’t the whole story. Not everything I faced was a failure, setback, or threat. In eighth grade, my issue was more about navigating change, novelty, and uncertainty. In other words, I struggled with adaptability.
There are three key components of adaptability…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE