16 Nov 10 Ways to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff and Move Forward
Do you worry too much about stuff that’s not worth worrying about?
Would you like to be better at accepting stressors and moving on more quickly?
There’s nothing wrong with worrying; it’s normal. But it is possible to reach a stage where it doesn’t bother you quite as much or for quite as long. And this article by Marina Khidekel provides some pretty good tips…
We all encounter small daily stressors and challenges that can make us feel frustrated or anxious. There’s power in acknowledging the causes of our stress before it becomes cumulative or overwhelming — and it’s also important to arm ourselves with tools and strategies to help us address stress in the moment so that we can move forward instead of dwelling on the issue.
We asked our Thrive community to share with us the small ways they move on from their stressors and stop sweating the small stuff. Which of these tips will you try?
Take a long-term view
“I ask myself what impact the thing I am stressing over will have in the long term. Will I still care in five hours, five days or five months? In most circumstances, it’s something that won’t cause stress beyond a day or two, so I tell myself that the impact is minimal and I try to let it go. It’s not easy, but adding the lens of time often helps me to put things in perspective. It helps me realize that most things aren’t worth stressing over.”
—Marta Rzeszowska Chavent, management and change consultant, France
Shift your language
“I learned from several coaches and friends to reframe my thoughts from ‘I have to’ to ‘I get to.’ This simple mindset shift helps me think differently about situations that are inducing stress or nervousness.
—Donna Peters, executive coach and MBA Faculty, Atlanta, GA
Go for a walk to think it over
“I think getting up, leaving your home, and going for a quiet walk goes a long way for both grabbing a breather and avoiding letting stressors get to you. I use the walk to think about what’s going on and figure out a strategy for how I will handle this challenge. These walks also allow me to gain a bit of perspective about the situation. By the time I come home from the walk, I feel confident that I can handle the stressor and that in the short and long term this particular stressor does not signify the end of the world.”
—Heather Taylor, communications coordinator, Calabasas, CA
… keep reading the full & original article HERE