New Research Provides A 10-Step Playbook To Increase Your Psychological “Flourishing”

New Research Provides A 10-Step Playbook To Increase Your Psychological “Flourishing”

via Forbes by Mark Travers

A new study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology suggests that happiness comes with practice, and that the most effective practice may be found in combining the teachings of positive psychology and lifestyle medicine.

“Positive psychology and lifestyle medicine strategies have demonstrated efficacy in improving metrics of mental well-being, however, they are rarely used together,” state the authors of the research, led by Geraldine Przybylko of Avondale University College in Cooranbong, Australia.

To assess the combined impact of these strategies, the researchers tested a 10-week intervention in which people were given daily and weekly challenges according to the schedule listed below:

  • Week 1: “Speak positively.” Daily challenge — offer a genuine compliment. Weekly challenge — memorize an inspirational text or saying.
  • Week 2: “Move dynamically.” Daily challenge — do 30 minutes of moderate exercise or 10,000 steps. Weekly challenge — 20 minutes of guided resistance exercises.
  • Week 3: “Immerse in an uplifting natural environment.” Daily challenge — spend 30 minutes in an uplifting natural environment. Weekly challenge — experience a sunrise…

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