If You Want to Succeed, Be Willing to Accept Help From Others: The ability to receive is just as important to success as being able to give.

If You Want to Succeed, Be Willing to Accept Help From Others: The ability to receive is just as important to success as being able to give.

NB: I very much believe this doesn’t just apply to business. It’s just as relevant to happiness and mental health …

via Inc.com by Raj Jana

Building a lasting company depends on two things: your ability to give, and your ability to receive.

When I started my first business, I was on a mission to give to others and inspire a sense of happiness through each product sold. I wanted to do everything myself and not put pressure, stress, or expectations on anyone else. In fact, I didn’t even tell anyone I had started a business until I was making six figures a month.

This was because I wanted to be the person supporting others. But over time, it became starkly evident that I wasn’t willing to receive and it was impacting my life. There was an invisible wall building between me and those to whom I was giving. It was a lonely place to be, but yond that, if I didn’t change it would hurt my business’s potential for growth.

The truth is, the pendulum must swing both ways if you want to become truly successful. If you want loyal customers, you must ask them for support. If you want solid business connections, you must collaborate and share. If you want a committed team, you must allow them to create, explore and provide their input. 

You must equally receive as much as you willingly give. Here’s how.

1. Make others feel good.

How do you feel when you help other people? Likely, pretty awesome.

When you refuse to let anyone help you, you are denying them the opportunity to feel good in return. It can be as simple as saying “Thank you” when someone brings you a gift instead of “You shouldn’t have done that,” or accepting a friendly perk or offer instead of declining. Give others the chance to help you, and they will connect that powerful sensation back to you in the future.

While these are simple examples, this practice is even more impactful on a larger scale. Years ago, I gratefully received unsolicited support from an incredible business mentor. He wanted to give, and I decided I’d be a fool not to work with him. I received an email from him recently thanking me for being so willing to receive his support and I found out he had gone on to offer consultations to other businesses as a result. We talked further and ended up connecting each other to others in our networks. This is the power of giving and receiving in action. It opens up your network, and your capacity to grow your business as a result…

… keep reading the full & original article HERE