19 Feb How To Create A Mindset That Leads To Happiness
via Forbes by Paula Black
Happiness is a mindset. It comes from within you, not from your outside circumstances. You don’t have to have a “perfect” life to be happy. The really great news is that you don’t have to be young or old or wealthy or successful in order to be happy. Instead, you can develop a mindset of happiness.
As a coach that works with many high-performing professionals, who deal with massive amounts of pressure and stress every single day, I’ve seen firsthand that happiness really is a mindset. And today I’m going to share four tips to help you develop a mindset that leads to happiness.
1. Define your own success — and be specific about it.
First things first: You get to define success for yourself. You get to decide what happiness looks like. Your vision of happiness may be very different from what your parents wanted for you or what your colleagues are chasing or even from what you wanted when you were younger.
Success may look like building a large firm and working with A-list clients. Or it may mean joining a smaller practice that gives you the flexibility to pick your kids up from school every day.
Get rid of the expectations other people have for you. Take time to define your own vision of success. Paint a specific picture in your mind — so real you can taste it! This gives you a “North Star” to pursue. And it keeps you focused on what you really want for your life…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE