04 Feb 25 Habits to Achieve Happiness
via Entrepreneur by R L Adams
There is an endless list of habits that we could follow, but here I have decided to gather you 25 that will help you achieve success and will keep you satisfied with your actions. Focus on these and incorporate them into your daily routine and in addition to progressing, you will be very happy.
1. Wake up early
The morning hours are the perfect time to reflect and begin to be productive. People who are serious about success know they have to get out of bed early.
Not being a “morning person” is a bad pretext. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier one week, another 15 the next and you will get used to it until you realize that you already wake up 2 hours before your normal schedule.
2. Be grateful
We spend so much time ‘sunk’ in our problems when really they are only signs of life. The only time we don’t have them anymore is when we are dead so if you want to end them, see them differently. That’s right, be grateful for what you have, including your problems.
Gratitude is the path to health, happiness and success as it focuses our attention on what we have and not on what we ‘lack’. It is about realizing the abundance within simple pleasures and taking advantage of the opportunities we have.
3. Smile
Studies have shown that people with a genuine smile are happier in life. This is one of the habits that allows you to find your emotional, mental and spiritual part just by smiling.
The physiology of our bodies dictates the psychology of our minds. When we frown or do something with our bodies that indicates depression, our mind takes it into account and makes it mentally true.
4. Eat a healthy breakfast
Breakfast is a super important part of our life and millions still ‘skip it’. The saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is 100% true. If you are looking for success, eat a healthy breakfast every morning.
This habit doesn’t require a lot of effort, just a little planning. So if you ‘don’t have time’, get up earlier.
5. Exercise
One of the best habits in life is exercising daily. I’m not talking about participating in marathons (which would be awesome), I’m talking about something ‘laid back’ that brings oxygen to your blood and boosts endorphins in your body. Not only will you feel better physically, you will also be more motivated and have more mental clarity.
Exercise releases dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin into the system resulting in an even more euphoric high than any other drug,
6. Drink water with lemon
One habit that has many benefits is drinking a large glass of lemon water every day. In addition to being a natural source of vitamin C, lemon helps you with digestion, improves your immune system, and helps rehydrate your body.
Water alone is also important in removing toxins from the system. Over time, this will help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, and increase your energy.
7. Walk 10,000 steps
Many people know of the benefits of walking at least 10,000 steps. Still, we tend not to comply.
One study showed that US residents walk 5,117 steps a day compared to Australians who walk 9,695 or Swiss walk 9,650. So you know, park far away and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
8. Includes vitamins and minerals
We need the right vitamins to balance the processed foods and sugars we consume on a daily basis. Find a good mix and you will see how this will impact your mental, emotional and physical clarity.
9. Optimize your time
This is essential. The way you manage your time says a lot about what you can achieve, and more considering that we all have the same amount of hours a day in the world.
Find a good management of your minutes and implement it. It’s not difficult, it’s just about being consistent. Once you carry out this action in your daily routine, you will be able to do everything you propose.
10. Set a daily goal
It’s about whatever kind of goal you set for yourself. Whether within the business or whatever, long-term goals direct you to a certain place, but it is the daily ones that allow us to get there with accuracy (or more) by focusing on daily actions….
… keep reading the full & original article HERE