21 Nov Here is what 10 Happiness World Leaders have to share about Happiness
via Entrepreneur by Rajesh K Pillania
Though we human beings have been in search of happiness for a long time, the current unprecedented time of COVID-19 has made happiness even more imperative for all of us. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, and startup founders need to look after happiness in their organizations as research consistently shows that happy people are more motivated.
Here are insights from ten Happiness World Leaders, which are taken from the first India Happiness Report 2020 released recently.ADVERTISING
Maintain a cheerful spirit
Historian and biographer, Professor Rajmohan Gandhi, Research Professor, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign shares Mahatma Gandhi’s understanding of happiness. Some of the key insights are his conscious decision to maintain a cheerful spirit even when he was shattered by the carnage that had accompanied Partition and was living through a time of darkness and his now-famous talisman, that before making a decision, envision the impact on the poorest and weakest members of society and ask will it benefit them.
Understand employee well-being and happiness
Professor Sir Cary Cooper, the 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester and a leading scholar in occupational health and wellness research highlights the issue of well-being and happiness at work becoming a bottom-line imperative in most countries; increasing understanding of employee well-being and happiness by business leaders; and the need for a Gross National Well-being!
Value time and leisure
Dr. Ashley Whillans, Assistant Professor at Harvard Business School, author of the Time Smart book, and a leading scholar in the time, money, and happiness research field stresses while money is important, it is not everything as wealth only weakly predicts well-being; people who value time over money report greater well-being; countries with citizens that value leisure more than work report higher subjective well-being; and governments should help their citizens recognise the value of leisure to improve the happiness of individuals and societies…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE
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