02 Oct 5 Practical Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself, Because You Deserve The Same Love You Give To Others
via Madison Franz
1. Learn to say no, and actually mean it
This is one of the hardest things for me to do. I’m an enneagram 2, for goodness sake — I love to help and I’m happiest when I’m busy. I’ve realized that I over-commit and burn myself out, simply because I’m afraid of letting other people down. I often worry that if I don’t do something, they won’t like me.
By no means am I advocating for everyone to walk around and say “no” to everything, but I want to encourage you to be intentional about what you put your time and energy into each day. Pick a few things that you genuinely want to do and commit to them.
I struggle with saying no, but I’ve come up with two questions to ask myself when an opportunity arises: Do I genuinely want to do this? If not, is there a chance that I might be taking an opportunity away from someone else who does — someone who will do the job just as well, or even better than me?
2. Realize that doing your best does not mean sacrificing your health
Too often, we’re judged so much on our performance and output that our health often becomes secondary. I hope you know that doing your best and striving for excellence does not mean rejecting your basic needs and overall wellbeing. Doing your best does not mean perfection, and trust me, this is something that I’m very much working on myself.
Just as it’s important to set clear expectations in our outside relationships, we have to do the same with ourselves. This might look like allowing yourself to take a nap, even though you have five hours of work left. It might look like showering and getting dressed, even if you don’t feel like it. It might mean putting the textbooks away for the night and watching an episode of your favorite Netflix show instead.
Something that’s helpful in this endeavor is having friends that actively encourage and hold you accountable to your physical and mental health as well. You can also do this on your own by setting a timer or a schedule. In high school, I had a rule that if I wasn’t finished with my work for the day by nine, I would go to bed. Now, I give myself thirty minutes each day to do something that I enjoy that’s free of work, whether that be listening to music or going for a walk. It’s the little things that end up being the big things — take them seriously…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE
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