10 Jul The 5 Habits Holding Back Your Success
via Forbes by Jodie Cook
There are some people who are able to achieve incredible success and live extraordinary lives. They have the same number of hours in their day as anyone else, and they started from zero too. It’s possible because their success is now a system that keeps on delivering. It’s reached tipping point and it’s snowballing. The system started with their habits. These habits were built up, slowly, over the course of minutes, hours, days and weeks. They have been responsible for the success that others can only dream of. They might appear superhuman, but it’s attainable for anyone with the intent and conviction to get there.
Here are the 5 habits that might be holding you back from this level of success:
Checking your phone as soon as you wake up
There are countless articles about the morning habits of successful people, and they vary wildly. What they have in common, however, is that the morning is on their own terms. If a five-minute phone check is carried out as part of your morning routine, it’s likely to get in the way. When that phone check turns into 60-minutes of responding, it can turn your innocent check into a task that takes over your morning, leaving you wondering where the time went and frustrated that you didn’t do the most important thing first.
The morning is a glorious time, perfect for being fully aware and present. If used well, it can be where you set up a successful day. Where you start by doing that needle-moving thing that will make all the difference and help you along your path. You have the choice, every morning, to own the day, or let the day own you. The first thing you do upon waking is the main factor in this choice.
Set a timer before you check your emails and messages. Or leave it until after you’ve done the most important thing first.
Saying too much
If you talk more than you listen, your learning is limited. When you speak, you can only say things you already know, but when you listen you learn another point of view or new information. Use the acronym WAIT, which stands for “why am I talking?”, to remind you to talk less. Get really good at communicating exactly the right thing, to the right person, at the right time.
Become comfortable hanging out in the silence between the question you asked and the other person’s answer. If you jump in, you rob them of their true response and you might never know what they really meant. In a group setting, contribute when you have something great to say. Contribute when you know something is funny, or interesting, and leave the filler lines out. Let others have their glory. Not every story needs a follow-up story. Not every quip needs a comeback.
Consciously sitting back and contributing only when absolutely necessary can help you far better understand the people around you, without giving too much away yourself…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE
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