20 Apr 5 uplifting activities to help improve your mental health while you’re social distancing, according to a psychotherapist
Social or physical distancing, home isolation, Coronavirus or any of the related challenges need not stop us from taking care of our mental health or from enjoying positive emotions like happiness.
In fact, doing all we can to take care of our mental health and even to create as much happiness as possible is as important as ever…
via the Ladders by Amy Morin
Many people felt OK during the first week or two of social distancing. But by now many people are experiencing a decline in mental health. And it’s no wonder why.
Social distancing is the perfect recipe for depression. Staying indoors, less contact with people, and fewer fun activities are just some of the things that can increase your risk of depression.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to combat depression — even when options are more limited than usual. Here are some strategies that might improve your mental health while you’re social distancing.
1. Create opportunities for positive social interaction
Social distancing means everything from happy hour to theater outings has been canceled. If you’re feeling like the abrupt halt of social life is taking a toll on your psychological well-being, you are not alone.
Studies show socializing can help keep depression at bay. But it’s not just interacting with other humans that helps — it has to be positive social interaction.
So avoid those heated political discussions on social media that leave you feeling angry and exhausted. Get proactive about your social interactions. Schedule a time to chat with friends, connect with family, and speak to positive people.
Fortunately, “social interaction” doesn’t have to take place in person. Video chats and text messages can help lift your spirits as well. The key is to ensure these interactions are “positive.”
2. Exercise
Physical activity has a huge impact on your psychological well-being. Studies show just 200 minutes of walking each week (about 3.5 hours) can prevent and reduce symptoms of depression.
Of course, right now working out can be a little more complicated than usual. Most gyms are closed. And not everyone can get outside to exercise.
Fortunately, you can work out from home with relative ease and minimal equipment if you’re creative. There are plenty of fitness trainers who are teaching workout moves on social media. Download an app, find some videos, or just get moving while you watch TV. Moving your body is good for your mind…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE