Survey reveals the top things people would do with extra time on their hands

Survey reveals the top things people would do with extra time on their hands

If you had more time what would you do with it?

Would you use that time to be happier? Healthier? more successful in some way?

Many people say that want more happiness but when we reflect on what they actually do each day their activities aren’t always as conducive to happiness as one would like!

via the Ladders by Sheila McClear

Whether you had the opportunity to work less, or the hours in the day just magically expanded, everyone has had the opportunity to daydream about what they would do with more time.

For the “What Would You Do With More Time?” survey by the Workforce Institute at Kronos Incorporated and Future Workplace, 2,772 employees living in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Mexico, the U.K., and the U.S. were surveyed.

The top five things people would do with more time:

  1. Spend time with family (44%)
  1. Travel (43%)
  2. Exercise (33%)
  3. Spend time with friends (30%)
  4. Pursue hobbies (29%)

Other findings

…keep reading the full & original article HERE and give some thought to how you can best use any spare time you have to achieve happiness OR what ever else you aspire to in life : )