12 ways to replenish your energy (and feel more positive)

12 ways to replenish your energy (and feel more positive)

via the Huffington Post by Tamsin Kelly

Do you often feel depleted of all energy, even after a good night’s sleep? Are there days when you just feel flat and joyless? Chances are you’re suffering from emotional fatigue – and in our frenetic always-on society you’re not alone. The great news is you can refill your emotional energy tank by getting into a new habit of self-care and seeking out people and activities that make you happy.

1. Do more of what you want

Carve out satisfying moments in your day that give you real pleasure, like sitting peacefully in the sun on your lunch break or finishing your favourite writer’s latest novel on the bus. Work out what makes you really happy and keeps you emotionally nourished – and keep doing it.

2. Plan occasional treats

Having a treat to look forward to, whether a holiday you’ve booked, a weekend walk with friends or simply a tranquil bath, is a great way to keep your emotional energy tank.

3. You don’t always have to say yes

Do you have that constant sense of frustration and a little voice in your head saying ‘why am I the one who has to do this?’ The truth is, you rarely have to do the things you think you do. The greatest emotional drain is depriving yourself of fun, while feeling emotionally exhausted by all the responsibilities and calls on your time and energy.

If it’s not giving you pleasure or satisfaction, just stop doing it or do it differently. If popping round to your parents is turning into a duty call, suggest going out for a pub lunch instead. Divvy up the housework instead of playing the martyr game and give yourself more time for self-care. If you’ve had a long week at work, you really don’t have to say yes to manning the tombola stall at the jumble sale for the whole afternoon. One hour, that’s a possible yes. Any more, no…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE