Check out these 5 ways to calm an overactive mind (especially good before you go to sleep)

Check out these 5 ways to calm an overactive mind (especially good before you go to sleep)

via the Ladders by Emma Norris

You’ve been dreaming about going back to bed since you got up that morning. So, when you finally climb into your comfy bed, you’re excited to lay down your weary head and drift off to the land of nod. But just as you’re falling asleep, a thought pops into your mind. “Did you remember to book that appointment?” Then another, “What did my friend mean by that when she said I looked ‘tired’ today?” All of a sudden, you find yourself in an anxiety spiral and you’re thinking about that time 5 years ago when you complimented someone on their ‘new hair colour’ only to learn they were going grey. Now, sleep seems like a faraway possibility.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. In a time where we’re all juggling a million things and are surgically attached to our phones, it’s no surprise that anxious thoughts before bed is a common experience. Founder and Principal Psychologist at Sydney sleep clinic, The Indigo Project shares 5 relaxing strategies for calming an overactive mind before bed.

1. Write it down

Before you go to bed, write down your worries and separate them into two spheres: things that are in your control and things that aren’t. Put your mind at ease by creating actions for the things you can control, and don’t give things out of your control a second thought…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE