15 attitude changes I highly recommend

15 attitude changes I highly recommend

Your happiness and success are very much dependent on your attitude.

The way you think about the world has a significant impact the way you experience and operate in the world…which has a significant impact on your happiness and success.

It goes without saying, then, that if you want more happiness and success you need to adopt more of the right types of thinking. And here are 15 attitudes guaranteed to boost your happiness…

via The Ladders by Jane Burnett

No man (or woman) is an island at work. The core truth is that our success depends on others. Whether we get promoted, get raises and succeed in general is often down to how easy we are to work with.

A lot of ink has been spilled about good ways to relate to coworkers, but much of it tends to be complicated. Luckily, we chanced on some easy-to-digest “action cards” based on the upcoming book Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work by Todd Davis, Chief People Officer at FranklinCovey. He gives detailed advice on 15 ways to keep a positive attitude and good relationships in the office ahead of its release date. These are called “Get Better Practices.”

So let’s take a page out of the upcoming book— hitting stands on November 7—and explore ways to improve your connections with colleagues.

Practice One: “Wear Glasses That Work”

This means to see people and circumstances clearly.

Some of the advice includes writing down why a connection with someone or a circumstance isn’t effective, figuring out which of those reasons are based on opinions or factual information, and more, eventually going against and modifying a minimum of one thing you believe.

Practice Two: “Carry Your Own Weather”

Don’t let others dictate how you feel.

This card says to think of someone who “triggers your reactivity” and the next time they get to you, letting them know you need time to think before answering, or writing to them in an email that won’t ever reach their inbox, then re-examining it after leaving it there for a night to gauge your emotions, among other things.

Practice Three: “Behave Your Way to Credibility”

This should be applied if you’ve found yourself trying “to talk your way out of” an issue you got into because of your behavior, or in a circumstance when your integrity is doubted.

This card recommends identifying someone whose trust you need, picking two to three things they value in someone and more, but ultimately working on the areas they like that you need to improve upon…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE