17 Aug Ever thought of reinventing yourself? Here’s 12 scientifically proven ways…
Sometimes happiness means changing who we are and/or how we live our lives.
Even if we’re happy and successful, maintaining happiness and success requires, at times, change and reinvention.
So if you want more happiness and/or if you want to stay on top of an ever changing world then check out these 12 suggestions for reinventing yourself via Inc.com (by John Boitnott)…
No matter where you are in your career, it’s only natural to occasionally feel as though there are things you’d like to change. But it’s one thing to say you want to make a change and quite another to actually make it happen. In order to make serious steps toward reinventing yourself, you need to first commit to it and then take action to make those changes a reality. Here are twelve ways you can reinvent yourself at work and in your personal life, backed by science.
1. Learn a new skill.
Science says 10,000 hours of practice won’t necessarily make you an expert in something. In fact, other factors almost certainly come into play, such as aptitude and your own passion for what you’re doing. If you make a commitment to learn something new and want to embrace it fully, make sure it’s something you will enjoy at least to some degree.
2. Meet new people.
Does walking into a roomful of professionals scare you or just feel like a lot of work? If so, you aren’t alone. But follow the rules for successful networking and you’ll likely have a database full of new contacts after just one or two events. Then, you may not need to attend as many of them, which can be good for your energy and your schedule.
3. Buy new clothes.
You likely already know that what you wear affects how others see you, but did you know it also affects how you work? Studies have shownthat your clothing may have an effect on how many mistakes you make during the work day. Overall, it definitely has a direct effect on your career success, so be conscientious of the clothing you choose…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE