Happiness at work…according to neuroscience

Happiness at work…according to neuroscience

via Inc.com by Marcel Schwantes

Over the last decade, compelling research from neuroscience continues to inform leaders and HR professionals on ways they can improve teamwork, productivity, and company performance.

But what’s the source of it all, scientifically speaking? What’s that one ingredient that makes some of the world’s best company cultures thrive and profitable?

Dr. Paul Zak has the answer. He is founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies and the author of Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High Performance Companies.

Zak’s team discovered that trust is a key component that really makes work exciting, productive, and innovative. While that’s certainly not shocking newsflash, this may intrigue the senses: Back in 2004, Zak’s lab was the first to discover that the brain chemical “oxytocin facilitated trust, generosity, connection to others.” As it turns out, trust is a chemical. In Zak’s lab studies, oxytocin (OT) is what allows us to determine who to trust. And we’re finding that more companies are benefiting from OT in how teams perform work together.

8 building blocks of trust

Zak’s research identified eight building blocks to create a culture of trust. If you’re looking for a template to put into action, he conveniently frames these building blocks under the easy-to-remember acronym OXYTOCIN (what else?)…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE