Research tells us what you’ll most regret at the end of your life; now’s the time to do something about it!

Research tells us what you’ll most regret at the end of your life; now’s the time to do something about it!

via the SMH by Ross Gittins

They say no one on their deathbed ever regrets not spending more time at the office. Which is not to say we don’t have other regrets, nor that we have to wait until we’re drawing our last breath to have them.

This column will tell you nothing about the state of the economy, or business or the financial markets, but that’s its attraction.

Maybe there are other things you should be paying attention to, so as the cut the number of unticked items left on your lifetime To Do list.

I can’t tell you what you most regret – or will come to regret – but I can give you some big hints, using a study by two professors of psychology, Mike Morrison, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Neal Roese, of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Illinois, which I learnt of through the PsyBlog website.

The profs commissioned a nationally representative survey of 370 American men and women. The most common regrets they found were romance, lost love, 18 per cent; family, 16 per cent; education, 13 per cent; career, 12 per cent; finance, 10 per cent; parenting, 9 per cent and health, 6 per cent…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE