You may well have heard of hygge; but what about these other “types” of happiness?

You may well have heard of hygge; but what about these other “types” of happiness?

Happiness comes in many shapes and colours! Check out some of the varieties of happiness below…

via the SMH by Cat Rodie

In 2016, the Danish lifestyle trend hygge took the world by storm – and we all wanted in on the cosy action.

But the Danes don’t have a monopoly on wellbeing – it’s fair to say that in 2017, wellbeing has other very international flavours.

Present imperfect

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese concept that celebrates imperfection. For Leonard Koren, author of Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers, wabi-sabi is the opposite of the Western notion that beauty is perfect, enduring and monumental.

“Smartphones and other slick digital devices – how they look, how they work, and their significant influence in our lives – is the culmination of Classical Western aesthetic values. Wabi-sabi, on the other hand, is that favourite pair of well-worn jeans, those chipped and cracked family heirlooms, and that lovingly cared-for old wooden shack,” he explains.

The idea encourages followers to appreciate the beauty of “what is” rather than wishing for something else. According to Koren, this is as applicable to our wrinkled faces as to our worn-out old sofas (both of which are stunning in the eyes of wabi-sabi, by the way).

One way to begin is to take time out to actively notice things that are imperfect and spend a moment thinking about why the imperfection is beautiful or unique. To develop this habit, you could even note down your observations…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE