5 things that shouldn’t determine your self-worth…but probably do!

5 things that shouldn’t determine your self-worth…but probably do!

via Inc.com by Amy Morin

When you get measured at the doctor’s office, does the medical professional use a random stick to reveal your height? Hopefully not. If they did, you might be 3½ sticks tall in one doctor’s office and 12 sticks tall in another.

That sounds ridiculous, right? But when it comes to measuring self-worth, many people use something just as unreliable as a random stick.

You may not even consciously think about what type of stick you use to measure your self-worth. But, it’s likely that you know deep down.

After all, when you feel like you’re measuring up, you feel good about yourself. But, when you feel as though you’ve fallen short, your self-esteem likely plummets. So while you may be aware of those fluctuations in how you feel, you might never stop to think about what type of measuring stick influences you so much.

While there are many ways you might measure your worthiness in life, it’s important to consider whether some of them are unhealthy. Here are five common–yet unhealthy–ways people measure their self-worth:

1. Your appearance.

While some people measure their self-worth by the numbers on a scale, others determine their value by how much attention they can attract with their appearance.

The media sends a message that “you’re only as good as you look.” And many marketing strategies target people’s insecurities over everything from weight gain to aging.

That’s not to say good looks won’t serve as an advantage in life. They certainly can. But a beautiful body or a handsome face won’t last forever.

Hair loss, wrinkles, and a middle-age spread can become catastrophic for anyone whose self-worth depends on their physical appearance.

2. Your net worth.

You likely know at least one person’s whose self-worth is measured by their income or material possessions. But people who measure their self-worth by the net worth never feel “valuable enough.”

And it’s not just wealthy people who define themselves by the size of their bank accounts. Many people live beyond their means in an attempt to feel “good enough.” But going deeply into debt to create a façade of wealth backfires in the end.

While goods and services have monetary value, they don’t reflect your value as a human being…

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