10 ways to cultivate a more positive mindset

10 ways to cultivate a more positive mindset

via HackSpirit 

We all want to improve our lives. Whether it’s our relationships, our work, or our health, life can almost feel like a never-ending process of improvement.

Yet, most of the time, it isn’t about earning more money or meeting the perfect guy or girl, it’s about changing our perception of the world.

As Oscar Wilde said, “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

In order to feel more hopeful and positive about life, I’ve gone through 10 simple steps you can take to change yourself and your perspective on the world.

1) Start spending time with the right people

Sick of narcissists? Tired of people who aren’t really looking out for you? Then let them go! The only people you should be spending time with are those who truly love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve yourself. Not only will these people make you feel more alive, but you’ll be able to be yourself around them.

2) Start facing your problems, rather than resisting

How do you respond to negative emotions like anxiety and depression? If you’re like most people, it probably involves some form of resistance.

Yet in the long run, this usually makes those emotions worse. Instead try to face these issues head on. Learn to become friends with your negative emotions. Not only will you learn more about yourself, but you’ll be able to live fully and openly, embracing all the ups and downs that inevitably come with life.

3) Start being honest with yourself

Sit by yourself quietly and ask yourself if who you are right now is who you truly want to be. If there’s one relationship that’s most important in life, it’s with yourself.

If you aren’t living authentically with your values and who you are, then you can’t be truly happy. Take a step back and search for your soul, for the truth. Once you do, you’ll begin to understand what you really want in life and how you’ll get there…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE