Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Depending on your answer, you might need to spend money differently for happiness!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Depending on your answer, you might need to spend money differently for happiness!

via by Betsy Mikel

Buy experiences, not things. This blanket statement is meant to provide the magical silver bullet to achieving true happiness.

There’s just one pesky problem with this advice, as a piece in this month’s issue of The Atlantic points out: Not all experiences are created equal.

Based on research cited in the article, social experiences — ones we share with other people — bump up our happiness quotient more than solitary experiences, which have the same value as things.

So is achieving peak happiness as simple as spending money on experiences with fellow humans? Not entirely. It depends what kind of person you are.

According to more research that digs deep into the relationship between spending money and happiness, one factor matters most of all: Money buys happiness when spending fits our personality. (That’s actually the exact title of the study, published last year in Psychological Journal.)

…keep reading the full & original article HERE