20 Mar If you’re thinking about WHAT you’re grateful for that’s a good start; but if you do this one more thing…
via LifeHacker by Stephanie Lee
The practice of seeing the little and big things that you’re grateful for has been shown to make you a happier person. That’s because you literally think about the good things you have in your life, rather than focusing on what you don’t have and being negative about it. Take it a step further and figure out why that thing makes you grateful.
Sharí Alexander, a speaking coach based in Los Angeles, notes that gratitude lists are great, but often they’re missing the why component. She writes:
Make your gratitude list more than a role call for what is good right now.Don’t just jot one item down and move on to the next.
In fact, I argue that gratitude doesn’t exist without knowing WHY you’re grateful. Without the why, a gratitude list is more like a “nice things I noticed today” list…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE