12 Dec 7 Ways To Build A Network Of Supportive Friends Who Will Help You Overcome Any Obstacle
Happiness is a team sport.
And we definitely need our “team” when times are tough.
Which is why this article is so important as it offers 7 practical tips for building a support network with whom you can enjoy the happy times and on whom you can lead during the tough times…
We know intuitively, through countless studies, loads of epidemiological data, and laboratory testing, that a strong support network matters greatly to good health. Even so, at one time or another, all of us may encounter a period where our network is inadequate. Maybe you’ve just moved far from home, or you’ve become a new parent, or you’re tackling a specific issue that your existing network isn’t familiar with—there are many reasons for needing to improve the depth or width of your support network.
Nobody ever says, “Geez, I just have way too many caring people in my life who are willing to help me out!” If you find yourself needing to boost your connections with others, here are some tips on building that support.
Take Risks
There is no opportunity to meet new people and possibly develop rewarding relationships if you don’t go for it. Join groups, accept invitations, try new activities, and just generally be open to meeting more people.
Speak Up
Unless all your friends and family members are part of a psychic network, they won’t know what you need unless you tell them. Learn how to communicate your needs so that those around you can address them…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE