28 Nov What if you could start a brand, new chapter of your life? Today? You can…and here’s how!
via the Huffington Post by Elle Kaplan
When we think about creating sweeping change in our lives, it often seems like a distant dream. When life gets in the way, it’s easy to think it’s “too late,” or that we won’t be able to restart because we are so set in our ways, whether it’s our career, finances, or exercise plan.
Instead of sticking to the same old routine, realize you can change your life in meaningful ways that will make you happier and more successful, starting today. If you want to, you can reinvent your life — that it’s possible has been scientifically proven, and plenty of entrepreneurs have done it before.
Here are a few habits that will create that change, and a few success stories to show you that anything really is possible:
Practice being your future self.
Quite simply, to become that ideal, future version of yourself, you need to practice being it.
According to Peter Bregman, CEO and leadership expert, in Harvard Business Review, “You need to spend time on the future even when there are more important things to do in the present and even when there is no immediate apparent return to your efforts.”
His brilliant advice applies to almost any change you want to make in your life. Whether you want to get in better shape or start a business, it’s not going to happen overnight. Instead of waiting for this change, start prioritizing and scheduling bite-size improvements today, no matter how busy you are.
Design your life around happiness.
Happiness can seem like such an abstract concept. After all, a Hallmark card or Dove chocolate wrapper doesn’t exactly give you a concrete way to create a happier life…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE