04 Oct It’s definitely important to apologise in some situations; but NOT for these 7 things!
via Thought Catalog by Victoria Harris
Do you ever feel like you’re constantly saying “sorry” to someone? I know it’s a problem in my life.
I say, “pardon me,” “excuse me, sorry” to people walking by me in the hallway. I apologize if I take too long to reach the door that some nice person has held open for me. “Sorry” falls out of my mouth if I tell a joke that my friends didn’t find funny.
Apologizing definitely has its place when you’ve done something wrong or offended someone. But more often than not, “sorry” comes out when I’ve done nothing other than simply existing.
So today, I’m taking a stand against it. I’m pushing myself to stop issuing an apology for things that don’t warrant one.
1. Living your life how exactly how you want.
There’s one particularly important word here–you. At the end of this great journey we call life, the only person you’ll need to answer to is yourself. Make sure you’re living the life you want, and stop feeling bad if it isn’t in agreement with what others think or want.
2. Asking for what you need.
Asking others for help can be difficult—I know. But this is the reason we build relationships with humans in the first place; help each other out and specify the things you want and need…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE