What if you could be as truly happy as you can be…just by being yourself?

What if you could be as truly happy as you can be…just by being yourself?

via the Huffington Post by Andrew Merle

What if I told you that there is one main secret to true happiness?

And that this secret also guarantees that you will make a truly unique impact on the world?

And live a fulfilling life without regret?

It turns out that this secret does exist.

It is actually incredibly simple.

And it is something that you have and nobody else does.

The secret is being yourself and totally owning it.

Or as Neil Pasricha, #1 bestselling author of The Happiness Equation, says, “Be you and be cool with it.”

As he describes, “There is nothing more satisfying than being loved for who you are and nothing more painful than being loved for who you’re not but pretending to be.”

How true…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE