How to set life goals that ensure happiness & success

How to set life goals that ensure happiness & success

via LifeHack by Carri Vacik

If you want to be successful and happy you have to set life goals. Why? Because life goals give you focus, motivation and vision. They help you to formulate action plans and implement the steps you need to take. Without them you are lost. Moreover, seeing and experiencing yourself achieving the steps toward reaching a goal, can be motivating in itself and builds confidence in your ability to hit your target. Research suggests that setting life goals for ourselves and progressing towards them, also fosters well-being. Perhaps because our happiness is intertwined with having a sense of meaning, hope and purpose in life.

So which type of goals work best and how should you set them specifically?

Studies have shown that there are two types of goals:

1. Intrinsic goals: According to positive psychologist Tim Kasser and colleagues, intrinsic goals ‘are those that are inherently satisfying to pursue because they are likely to satisfy innate psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, competence, and growth’. They depend on satisfying one’s own basic psychological needs rather than relying upon the judgments or approval of others. Examples of these goals include self-acceptance, forming social connections, studying further and physical fitness.

2. Extrinsic goals: These types of goals on the other hand, are focused on attaining rewards and/or praise from others. They are a means to an end, not inherently rewarding in and of themselves. Examples include financial wealth, fame, or popularity. People often pursue extrinsic goals under the assumption that these goals will bring them happiness, but evidence suggests otherwise.

Researchers speculate that intrinsic goals lead to greater happiness because, in the pursuit of these goals, people have positive experiences along the way that support their happiness.

Now that you understand the significance of setting intrinsic goals to your well-being, ask yourself the following:

# What are my values?
# What do I dream of achieving?
# Who am I really?
# Have I a mission in the world?
# And if so, what do I stand for?
# What would I do to defend my mission?

…keep reading the full & original article HERE