17 Feb Massive success and super happiness are possible…with these 7 steps!
via Entrepreneur.com by Daniel Ally
The other day, a man in his early 20's approached me and asked me for advice. "Daniel, I'm a young and broke college student with two children. Could you show me what to do to become a millionaire?"
Without hesitation, I rebuked him for his question. "How dare you call yourself broke? Is that what you've been associating yourself with in the past few years? Is this the way you see yourself?"
"No sir, I just thought…" he murmured. I cut him off, "Look if you want to be rich, you cannot buy into a story of poverty. Even though your circumstances may seem unfavorable at the moment, it doesn't mean that it will last forever."
My answer startled him, but it was the truth. Later on, he realized that no one was going to feel sorry for him and he determined to correct the situation. Only those who are willing to pay the price will ever get the chance to have a taste of success.
Here are seven major steps for achieving massive success:
1. Flow Naturally
The biggest mistake that ambitious people make is that they are too hard on themselves. They set deadlines and demand a lot out of themselves. When they don't meet their expectations, they end up frustrated, sometimes even hurting themselves in the process. Oftentimes, being too hard on yourself is the quickest way to burn out and lose hair.
Before I wrote this article, I panicked for three days, wanting to create the perfect piece. I attempted it a few times, but it didn't quite come out the way I wanted it to. After going through a few rituals, I sat down on Day 4 and pumped it out effortlessly. Before you create greatness, you must soak up some life experiences and clear your mind. Soon enough, you'll flow naturally, like this article.
2. Change Your Life Story
Everyone has a life story that they tell themselves and other people. What's yours? Like the college student, many people play a certain story in their heads. Every time we tell our life story, whether it's past or present, we believe it more and more. Don't relish in poverty, unless you want more of it. Too many people celebrate their broke story in order to seek acceptance from other broke people.
To change your life story, focus on whom you're becoming. You might not know exactly whom you'll end up as (who does?), but you can focus on telling yourself and others about who you want to become. Sometimes, I'll ask the universe to reveal the truth about my path and what I can do to materialize those objectives. Once you create your life story, become obsessed with it and keep feeding into it…
…what's "success" if not (at least in part) "happiness". So keep reading HERE for the full & original article including 5 more steps you can take for more happiness and more of everything you want in your life!