08 Jan Getting happy is one thing; staying happy another…
by Bianca Hayes
1. Create Several Playlists. I looooove music! I honestly could listen to it for hours and consider myself having a good time. I am confident that my classmates can attest to the fact that I will almost always be found in between my bright pink headphones. My playlists are composed of jazz, hip-hop (Nasty Nas is most preferred), soul, pop, etc., and I switch it up so that it coordinates with the tasks at hand and/or if I want a shift in my mood. Remember, a good playlist = a good day.
2. Establish a "Me" Day. This may be reaching, especially when we have to endure finals week and things of that nature, but please try it! Saturday is the only day out of the week where I am not obligated to be a certain location. There is not a such thing as not having any responsibilities, because we all know that there is always something, but, it is imperative that we take a significant amount of time out of the week to spend time alone. Maybe we treat ourselves to a movie, take a long walk, or just catch up on some rest. Do whatever it is that makes you happy, because always being "on the go" will burn you out…
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