18 Nov 5 great ways to make the most of your weekend
Weekends are a great time to recharge your batteries and have some fun. Follow in the footsteps of these business greats.
via Inc.com by Peter Economy
Weekends have always been our time to relax, wind down, and be with loved ones. Yet many never even consider that these precious days of respite could be spent productively–even while having fun. Read on for ways very successful people spend their weekends so that you can incorporate them into your own.
1. Keep active
Vogue's Anna Wintour plays tennis for one hour every day without fail. One of India's richest billionaires runs marathons in his off time. People who are incredibly successful understand the importance of the body in relation to the mind. The health of the one simply cannot be maintained without upkeeping the other. So move a little this weekend. At worst, you'll burn off Friday night's dinner.
2. Practice JOMO, not FOMO
Randi Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook Media–and conveniently, Mark Zuckerberg's sister–has preached the benefits of practicing JOMO: the joy of missing out. Checking Facebook over the weekend often gives us FOMO, or fear of missing out. Instead of feeling left out, JOMO suggests that we should be happy with everything we do, right where we are…
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