13 Oct Treat yourself with more kindness and everyone will benefit
Being kind to yourself isn't being selfish.
Being kind to yourself allows you to be kind to others.
You'll enjoy more happiness; and you'll be able to share and give more happiness.
Here are some thoughts and tips from an article by Amy Morin via the Huffington Post…
Do you ever call yourself names? Do you replay your mistakes in your head over and over again? If so, you're not alone. Harsh self-criticism is pretty common.
But beating yourself up for your mistakes and punishing yourself for your failures could backfire. Being too tough on yourself may actually hinder your performance. Multiple studies show that treating yourself with more kindness could be the best way to gain better results.
The Key Components of Self-Compassion
Self-compassion strikes a balance between self-acceptance and self-improvement. Rather than getting down on yourself for making a mistake, or hosting a pity party when you encounter hardship, self-compassion involves taking a kind, but realistic view of your experience.
Kristin Neff, Ph.D., a pioneer in self-compassion research, says self-compassion has three main components:
Self-kindness — replace harsh self-criticism with kinder, gentler words.
Common humanity — acknowledge that suffering and personal failure is a universal experience.
Mindfulness — observe your negative emotions without focusing on them or suppressing them.
The Benefits of Self-Compassion
Self-compassion offers tremendous benefits that can help you become more successful. Research continues to uncover incredible social, psychological, and physical health benefits associated with self-kindness. Treating yourself with kindness:
1. Increases Motivation — Self-compassion can increase your motivation to recover from failure, according to a 2011 study conducted by the University of California. Researchers discovered that subjects spent more time studying for a difficult test following an initial failure when they practiced self-compassion. Participants also reported greater motivation to change their weaknesses when they practiced self-acceptance…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE