16 Sep What if positive parenting was about teaching kids how to fail…well?
As a parent, I want my children to be happy.
As a parent, I want to protect them from harm and hurt and failure and disappointment.
But as a parent, I know I can't always be there to stop bad things happening.
So most importantly, as a parent, I hope to teach my children how to enjoy the good times AND to cope with the bad times; how to navigate uncertainty adn challenges; how to bounce back from mistakes; how to be resilient.
That, as a parent, would make me happy; and that, as a parent, would be doing a good job.
If you agree then you'll be interested in Brene Brown's thoughts in this article about teaching our kids how to fail well. Read on below…
First: Don't try to fix it.
Failure is excruciating. But it’s not as excruciating as watching your child fail. It’s not just that parents are biologically programmed to care about them. We really want them to succeed, partly so they have a great life and partly because, frankly, their success reflects well on us.
But as parents increasingly navigate their kids’ lives so that they avoid failure, those kids lose an important life skill, and one one they will inevitably need: how to find the courage and motivation to get back up. So how do you help kids fail, or rather, how do you help kids deal with failure? Brené Brown, whose new book Rising Strong is about coming back from failure, has spent nearly her whole career studying shame and courage, and in a recent interview with TIME she gave this advice: first, don’t try to fix it…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE