29 May Live an amazing life! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 & 4!
by Kimanzi Constaable from the Huffington Post
An "amazing life" will have a different meaning for each of our lives. The one theme that everyone strives for in life is freedom. We long for freedom from financial stress and freedom to live and love. The freedom to wake up each day and spend our precious time on the things that are important to the kind of life we want to live.
For years, I was in survival mode. I was happy just to wake up and limp through each day. I had no hope or dreams and never gave a second thought to what I wanted from life. I was overweight, overworked and stressed beyond my limits in my marriage. My finances were a joke — we were in serious debt. We spent money faster than we made it.
You may be going through some stressful situations in your life right now. Happiness feels like a fairy tale that only happens to characters in a movie. Here are four ways you can life a amazing life and experience real freedom.
1. Eat Healthy and Move More
I'm not a health expert, but there are enough books, websites, and courses that can teach you what it means to eat healthily. In the last year, I've lost 170 pounds through portion control meals and avoiding junk food. What you eat affects how you feel and it essential to living a long life.
Along with healthy eating is exercise. Again, what exercise you should be doing and how often will be different for each of us. Exercise provides you more energy, helps you keep the pounds off and gives you an excellent opportunity to relieve stress. It can be a time for you to plan, refresh and challenge yourself. That discipline will boil over into other areas of your life.
2. Grow Your Relationships
Stress in relationships — romantic or not — can affect your mood or worse. There will always be ups and downs in relationships, but the toxic ones can kill your happiness. Our relationships should lift us up and compliment our life. Communication is crucial and understanding that we won't always see things the same way as others will help. Deciding to love that person each day and keeping situations in the right perspective will help your relationship grow…
…keep reading for all the great happiness tips HERE