20 May To enjoy a great weekend, look out for these 40 Little Things of Happiness!
Happiness is in the little things.
Although the little things are often the big things.
Just keep an eye out for these 40 bits of awesomeness and enjoy a BIG boost to your happiness…
by Amy Johnson via LifeHack
What makes you happy? Apparently it really is the little things in life that make us happy, according to research by DoubleTree involving 2,000 adults.
It may surprise you to learn humans are generally optimistic, with over half of the adults saying they have a “glass half full” attitude to life, and 56% describing themselves as particularly happy.
Over a quarter said a few little things will cheer them up, and the research determined that little surprises provide us with the greatest amount of happiness, with 82% saying the best things in life are unexpected.
Dr. Glenn Williams, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Nottingham Trent University said: “An effective route to happiness is not necessarily through experiencing major events that we might have planned out such as getting married, moving house, getting that all-important promotion, or even being on a holiday.”
“Rather it is the small, and often unexpected, pleasures in life that can make us smile each and every day to help us build happier and more meaningful lives for ourselves and for others.”
Check out 40 little things in daily life that bring us true happiness.
1. Finding money in your pocket that you didn’t know you had.
2. Being asked by someone who cares how you are doing.
3. Climbing into bed when you have fresh sheets.
4. Taking an extra-long bath or shower when you have some free time.
5. Smiling at a child you see in public.
6. Receiving a 10 minute massage from your partner or friend.
7. Cuddling someone before you have to get up and start your day.
8. Waking up and realizing it is a sunny, beautiful day.
9. Having a long phone conversation with someone you care about and haven’t spoken to in a while.
10. Watching the rain fall when you have nowhere to be, and you can curl up on the sofa…
…want more little happy things? Keep reading HERE