5 simple tips to regain your focus in 15 minutes!

5 simple tips to regain your focus in 15 minutes!

On what do you want to focus? 



Health? Wealth? Achievement? Relationships? 


Well, what ever it is you want to focus on we all face distractions; but we all, also, have a choice in how we deal with these and this nice article provides some simple but very effective tips to regain your focus and enjoy more happiness, success or what ever it is you want! 

by Kevin Daum from Inc

People are often multitasking today, but sometimes it just becomes overload, and then distraction can overwhelm you. If you are doing work that requires concentration, you will need to regain your focus to complete the job.

Sadly, this happens to me all the time. I'll be working on a column and a text comes in needing response, or I go to the Web to research a concept and soon I'm off on a YouTube surf. It's fine when I'm at the end of my day and have finished a few columns, but when it's afternoon and I haven't made any real progress, I have to get back on track or lose the day entirely. That's when I take this simple, 15-minute approach.

Step 1: Shut everything off!

First, I remove all possible distractions. Generally, I can write anywhere–planes, trains, automobiles, waiting rooms, the sofa in front of the TV, the bed with the dog on my lap, it really doesn't matter. But when I'm on distraction overload, I head to my writing space, a quiet corner with a comfy chair and desk. I have to put myself in the most productive working position possible. I close the door and turn off the phone, Viber, Skype, anything that can take me away from the work at hand. I generally set a time limit of 1 or 2 hours. That way I don't start to worry about what I might be missing. I shut down every app on my computer. If I need to search something, I will open a new browser as required. All notifications get turned off as well. Just this process can often give me the mental space to get back on track. If not, I'm off to Step 2.

Step 2: Take deep breaths.

When things get busy, my body reacts. In order to focus, I need to slow down both my mind and my body. That's why I close my eyes and focus on my breath. A little deep diaphragmatic inhaling and exhaling helps me center who I am and what I am all about. In the rush of outer communication, sometimes I honestly forget my purpose and actions. This is a chance to regain control over myself and my environment…

…keep reading more HERE