13 Nov You can learn pretty much anything & everything on Google…even how to be happy!
Within seconds, a Google search can teach you how to cook, sew, play musical instruments and work out to build bigger biceps!
And now we can even learn from the inner sanctum of Google about…how to be happier!
David G Allen writes on the BBC website…
Deep inside the global tech behemoth Google sits an engineer with an unusual job description: to make people happier and the world more peaceful.
A few years ago, Chade-Meng Tan, one of the company’s first engineering employees in Mountain View, noticed many of his colleagues were stressed out and unhappy at work, so he decided to do something about it. He persuaded his bosses to let him create a course that would teach employees mindfulness skills to enhance emotional intelligence and promote wellbeing, and he transitioned to the HR department to run it. In a nod to his employer, he called it Search Inside Yourself, an admittedly corny name that is also the title of his book about the course’s techniques.
At this year’s SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, I was curious about Meng’s panel, called “Make Yourself the Happiest Person on Earth”. Not surprisingly, given the talk’s promise, every seat and spot of floor space in the hotel ballroom was filled. Meng promised he was going to teach us the “scientifically proven” secret of happiness in three easy steps.
I was fascinated, but naturally sceptical. So in the weeks afterwards, I decided to try Meng’s three-step advice for myself to see if it made me happier. I also took a closer look at the science that he claims support his techniques. Could there be anything to it? Let’s look at each of the steps in turn.
Step one: “Calm your mind”
To introduce his first piece of advice, Meng led the SXSW audience through a short collective breathing exercise to calm the fluffy particles in the “snow-globes” (his metaphor) in our skulls. He advocates finding easy ways to take pauses during the day and be mindful of your breath. “If that’s too hard, then just think about nothing for little bit,” he joked.
His book goes into more detail, focusing on what meditation is and how to begin practicing it, citing a study by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School that mindfulness-training reduces reported anxiety.
Meng is not the only one to suggest that meditation and mindfulness is good for our mental health. For example, the monk Matthieu Ricard, who the press has dubbed “the world’s happiest man” has written a book on the topic himself.
But does it work? There is some evidence that mindfulness can help stave off negative thoughts. A recent review of 209 studies found that the practice can help treat depression, anxiety and stress. (Some researchers even claim that the stress-reduction promised by meditation could help slow the effects of aging.)
It’s worth pointing out that dealing with depression and anxiety is not necessarily the same thing as boosting happiness. Still, Meng’s first piece of happiness advice appears to have growing scientific credence…
…keep reading the full article HERE