27 Oct 4 habits of people who follow their dreams
We're all told to follow our dreams.
We all want to follow our dreams.
But we all know that…it's much easier said than done!
Nevertheless, it's very much worth finding ways to create, follow and bring to reality our dreams because those that do, in short, enjoy more happiness and success in life.
And as with many other areas of life, we can learn how to achieve this by learning what those who've been more successful do. If that sounds interesting to you then keep reading for some great ideas via Stephanie Vozza and Fast Company …
As kids we all had dreams. Some of us wanted to be firefighters while others planned to become teachers, veterinarians, or even President. I wanted to be Nancy Drew. Along the way, however, most dreams get derailed. It could be because we form new dreams or outgrow the idea. Often it’s because we’re told that our dreams aren’t realistic.
Yet some of us follow those childhood dreams no matter what. They ignore the naysayers. They don’t take "no" for an answer. And they do what it takes to make it work. Here are four famous people who followed the calling they had as a child and the habits they had that kept them going.
Stephen King’s dream of becoming a writer started as an adolescent, and by the time he was 14 he had received so many rejection letters from short-story publishers that the nail he used to hang them on the wall would no longer support their weight.
“I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing,” he said in his memoir On Writing.
King didn’t sell a short story until he turned 19; “The Glass Floor” earned him $35. And his best-selling book Carrie received 30 rejections before it sold to Doubleday Publishing for a $2,500 advance. Today, King’s books have sold more than 350 million copies, and it’s because he didn’t take rejection personally.
Social scientist Brian Martin of the University of Wollongong in Australia says the key is distinguishing the writing from yourself. “The paper is my work, not me,” he writes in an article called “Learning to Love Rejection” for Inside Higher Ed. “If it is rejected, I don’t consider this a personal failing. In playing a game of tennis, it would be silly to give up after losing a point or even a match. The key is to keep practicing and keep playing.”
…keep reading the full and original article HERE