10 “must haves” for happiness and success

10 “must haves” for happiness and success

We don't need that many things for success and happiness in life. 

But we do need a few crucial "must haves" and this great list from LifeHack includes 10 I very much encourage you to ponder upon … 

by David William

If you had to choose critical things you need for success, what would they be? Maybe top on your list would be a well-paying job as a critical factor for success. Whatever it is, you can be sure that success comes not from one, but a combination of many factors that make it happen. Cars, money, houses, a good job are results of success. These things are NOT success.

Success is an inside-out concept. What is on the inside of you determines what you achieve on the outside. If you have it right inside, you can be (and do) anything you want out there. You don’t even need tons of money to be successful at all. Here are 10 factors that rank highly on lists of critical things you need for life success.

1. Belief.

The mere belief that you can succeed is critical to your success. You cannot perform at your best if all you have is self-doubt. You need to believe in yourself and your dreams if you are going to have a chance at success. When your heart and mind are fully convinced that you can do it, nothing can stop you. You can soar to any height and be everything you ever wanted. Just believe.

2. Action.

Belief is not enough on its own. You need to follow it up with consistent action. Take the first initiative and plan a concrete course of action to gain focus. Act upon those plans wholeheartedly to reach your goals and achieve success. Remember nothing moves until you do.

3. Discipline.

Action alone is also not enough. You need discipline to succeed. Discipline means having self-control in thought and action over base desires like immediate satisfaction. Discipline means making no excuses for poor or inadequate execution of your plans and course of action for success. Discipline is asserting your willpower to succeed…

…keep reading the full and original list HERE