30 Apr Find happiness through perspective with these 15 great ideas
One of the keys to happiness is undoubtedly optimism.
And one of the keys to optimism is undoubtedly perspective.
Perspective allows us to enjoy gratitude and appreciation; it contributes to resilience and, therefore, happiness even during tough times.
So check out this great Huffington Post article for some ideas on how to build your happiness and improve your life with a more positive and helpful perspective…
by Neal Samudra
I sometimes believe that our greater culture likes being overly negative and pessimistic. We love over-criticizing everything, having no hope for beautiful things and losing fond admiration for the silly, whimsical aspects of life. It's an attitude that I believe is corrupting our capability to strive for greatness in our lives.
Truth is, if you want to be great in this life, you have to model that greatness in your thinking.
You have to open your eyes up to the beauty in front of you and celebrate it. Only then will we be in the right mindset to enact change in our culture.
So here are 15 secrets that have helped me keep an idyllic perspective on life. May you treasure them and make them your own.
1. Happiness is often a choice, so choose wisely. When life comes and sweeps you off your feet, you have the choice to remain on the ground where people will coddle you or get up so people will be inspired by you. It's not easy, but change never is.
2. Complaining makes us complacent. It might make you feel better, but it'll do so at the cost of doing something to change the situation.
3. Social media is a community, not a one-man showcase of your life. It's funny, but the less we go to social media to validate and prove ourselves, the better the space becomes for everyone on it.
4. Differences aren't a bad thing, similarities are. When that one bothersome person frustrates you to the point of no return, remind yourself that you're only annoyed at them because they're different. You like the people most like you in the world, but in reality, being with people just like us never teaches us anything about growth and forgiveness. Differences with others stretch us; similarities comfort us.
5. Compartmentalizing your life is like going to three parties in one night; it sounds like a good idea until you wake up exhausted and bitter the next morning. If your life, hobby, family and passion are all different things, maybe it's time to consolidate them into one. Then, you won't suffer from the problems that come with a compartmentalized life…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE