25 Mar 12 things people who’re happy and who have high self esteem DON’T do!
by Brian Penny from LifeHack
Having high self-esteem is important. Without it, you’re not likely to ever gain any other esteem in life. The thing about self-esteem is everyone who has a high level acts essentially the same. We all have different hopes, dreams, experiences, and paths, but confidence is universal. Here are the things people with high self-esteem avoid.
1. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others
People with low self-esteem are constantly comparing their situation to others – no matter what you say to them, they’re “going through the exact same thing.” On the other hand, people with high self-esteem show empathy and compassion, but they focus on themselves instead of how others are doing.
2. They’re Not Mean-Spirited
People with low self-esteem bully others. They take pleasure in putting other people down. People with high self-esteem see no need to down other people, choosing instead to encourage and celebrate successes.
3. They Don’t Let Imperfection Ruin Their Day
Perfectionism isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but obsessing over making everything perfect is a sign that you have low self-esteem. Those with high self-esteem disconnect from the results and do their best without expecting perfection.
4. They Stop Dwelling on Failure
It’s common to hear people with low self-esteem dwelling on all the ways things will go wrong. They’re positive their every failure signals an impossible task. People with high self-esteem discover why they failed and try again…
…keep reading the full & original list HERE