04 Feb So many reasons to be happy!
If we try hard (or not so hard in some instances) we can all find things to complain about.
If we try even harder we can all find reasons to be unhappy.
But, it's just as true that for most, if not all of us, there are many, many reasons to be happy. And today, we're happy to share with you 112 reason for happiness as listed by Joan Winifred on PsychCentral…
Hello & Hooray!
Today, we get to ruminate on Reasons For Happiness: all 112 thus far and counting…By now, You followers of this post series, know the deal: 1 week of time living/learning = 7 days + 1 day/next day number 8…buying out time for stopping, reflecting, meditating, recording, listing, ruminating, appreciating:
HAPPINESS FACTORS/CONTRIBUTORS do multiply and no matter what the matter?? what the unexpected/emergency weekly circumstance(s) or weather (fleeting/changing emotional climate or otherwise) that may arise.
*Please Note: This on-going (at times non-thematic, random, rambling or poetic) list/reasons is a Coping Tool for Partners, Caregivers and Others.
My Hope: this compilation is helping YOU in some small way! 🙂
112. Numbers both positive and negative: red & black = learning contentment
111. Hard pillow, soft pillow and no pillow = learning contentment & gratitude & patience
110. Words of the Wise Ones = learning to listen WELL
109. Chatting positives (with Chato) and chatterers of the positives = learning to tame the tongue = using sweet words/ using the tip of the palate: sweet sensor
“For every kind of wild animal and bird and reptile and sea creature is to be tamed and has been tamed by humans. But no human can tame the tongue. It is unruly and injurious, full of deadly poison.” (James 3:7, 8)
108. Waiting that doesn’t lead to disappointment = well-founded HOPE!
107. Following-up and following-through on loose ends resembling over-cooked spaghetti = PESTO of life/responsibility
106. Dancing with technique and without it = Finding JOY of expression and JOY of living (e.g., Napoleon Dynamite)
105. Singing silly songs (e.g., “What Does a Fox say?”)
…keep reading the full list HERE