It’s a good time to remember what REALLY matters

It’s a good time to remember what REALLY matters

by Diana Reid from LifeHack

Have you taken your focus off what really matters in life? It’s not all about material wealth or the guy, the girl, the house and the car. Rather, it’s about you, and once you begin to focus on what truly matters, you can change the lives of others. As I personally walk you through a reminder of what does matter, embrace it and seek to implement the advice as though your life depends on it, because it does. As simple as each reminder may appear, you will find great wisdom.

1. Make every moment matter.

Don’t hesitate to live every moment out of your life in the best way you can because living is once, chances are rare and nothing is certain. ~ Blaze Olamiday

Too often, we are stuck feeling bitter about the past or thinking about what might happen in the future. We are either holding regrets or worrying. The truth is, there is only now. You can only live in this moment — that’s why you need to make this moment count. What’s happened has passed and what is going to happen depends on what you do right now. Make every moment matter.

2. Be happy now. Because happiness is not a destination.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. ~ Earl Nightingale

Just like living for the moment, be as happy as you can when you can. Realize that you don’t have to be happy when you have attained something. Happiness is something that you choose, a mental state that attracts more things to be happy about!

3. Find your authenticity by searching your soul for who you really are.

Be yourself—everyone else is already taken. ~ Oscar Wilde

Who are you? What do you really stand for? It’s up to you to discover your authentic self. Only then will you be free. Free to be brave, to blaze your own trail and say what you feel without conforming to the ideas of others. Look to your values: they will show you what you stand for…

…keep reading more about finding your purpose and enjoying more happiness HERE